
Huh?! Tawau Bloggers!!! I never heard it before so she gave me a link "Wunabarakati"... it's one of the Tawau Bloggers community VIP... from there i found a link to Tawau Bloggers Community Page... i found it very interesting and finally register myself and make contact with another VIP member of the community called "Budi".... we chat and i asked many question about this community....

After one day of registration they contacted me through e-mail and i got a sms sound like this : "Tahniah En Adry.. Tawaublog menjemput anda hadir mlm ini. Untuk makluman hubungi 0198119xxx - Maya."
So i contact the number and gave me this details : "Jam 7 mlm ni ada acara mkn2 sambil suaikenal di TNT Ikan Bakar Tenda Biru dekat highway..."
Huhu... i'm not sure i can make it or not because i already had an appointment with someone important .. business matters... thank god it's just take one hour to discuss it... so i contact "Budi" again and finally arrived at the place...
There i met this so called "Tawau Bloggers" ... not all of them... just a few... but it's very fun to meet up like this... a heart warming gathering ....
Sorry for the pics... very dark.. taken by an amature....


So now i'm officially a registered member of this community... i'm very happy about it... and i really hope the best of luck to this community... maybe someday we can make a huge gathering to all bloggers around malaysia... who knows right.... (^_^)
they already had sabahan bloggers gathering... why not the whole malaysia...
Sabahan Bloggers Gathering:




Fuh...lajunya dia post..speed 290 kuda nih
Selamat Datang ...
To wis
ko pun laju gak bagi komen... hehehe
To Tawau Blog
Thank you!! (^_^)
wah, mantap2...terase jeles disini...KL /n9's blogger's xder ke? haha
Doa,,doa laa kan,,esok nanti ko boleh jadi full admin jga tuh di sana...bebas aksess..hehehe
To mYshah
ntahlerr.. kalau takda.. ko pakat-pakatlah ngan kengkawan bloggers kat sana tubuhkan satu...
To Wis
uiks.. amiiinnn... hehehe... aku mana mana jak... tetap bersyukur, insyaAllah...
wah. seronok kan bila dah jumpa gang. good luck bro! ;D
akak ni lemah geografi.. Tawau tu besar mana Adry? bestnya ada geng bloggers dari Tawau.. bersatu teguh..
teringinnya nak gi Tawau.. bila la tercapai agaknya.. Akak dengar barang makan kat sana murah.. especially sea food. betul ke?
oh ya.. tahniah dah jadi tawau blogger..
Yuhuuu!!!Congratulation Adry as you had already officially registered member of Tawau Bloggers!
Make sure to give 10% to Lawa huhu!
And do not forget to read the rules of this community hahhahha!
Did you ask Wis about the rules?
Then..wis will tell you what to do esspecially to get your head 'botak' hahhaa!!!
Yuhuuuu...I like to read your entry
in Engish version!Keep up good work Adry!!!
* Check out my new entry!!
kita lom jumpa lagi...seseorang itu kena berjumpa semua ahli sebelum ianya diterima masuk secara rasmi....
neway, welcome...
and aku pun vip comitee jugak yek...jgn lupa abg romzi, abg agus, sis riani dan keluarga...
To Atiqah
ya ya... geng bloggers... thank you...
To Neeza Shahril
Nak bagitau secara detail saya pun tak tahu... mmm akak check kat internet la...
Yeap.. memang murah.. dulu ada satu artikel dalam suratkhabar malaysia , tajuknya begini : "Come To Tawau For The Best Seafoods"... antara sebabnya kat sini semua fresh dan harganya murah...
Kalau akak balik Malaysia... kebetulan saya ada acara best, saya sponsor akak tiket ngan penginapan skali ke Tawau ek.. hhehe
To Tirai Hidup
ya ya.. thank you... hehehe.. 10% tu nak apa?? Amplang ble?? hehehe...
memang la ada rules .. but not "Botak" ok... hehehe
To Sankai
ya ya... i know about all the VIPs in Tawau bloggers... i've been to your page too...
We supposed to met everyone last night .. but not all the members come rite.. hope to see you soon.. and the rest of the members and VIPs... (^_^)
hohohooho...semalam ko pun ado ka adry??? hehehehe sis ndak sempat sebab anak sis awal tidur...besar2 ikannya bilang si maya
so rugiiiiii laaaa
next time jumpa k...
p/s: mcm pernah nampak laaa tapi di mana ya ...
To friendly81
smiling back to you.. hehehe (^_^)
To Angriani
ya ya.. semalam ada aku kak... last minute baru tau, dah dijemput, datang jak la trus.. hehe... ya next time kita jumpa...
Pernah nampak ka?? Kakak tinggal di mana?? Saya di Kg Muhibbah Raya...
tq for the keropok amplang adry. dan tahniah sebab dah join geng Sabahan bloggers tu, ya ler... bila nak buat gathering Malaysian bloggers ek?
tq kopok amplang smpi suda....hihihi.. sonok nya..
akhirnya dpt jugak adry pigi aaaa.. =) sorry last nite... tiba2 pulak offline..noi d cc ba tu..hihihi..
DAH REGISTER tawau blogger comunity~! =P
kta geng la skrg kan.. hihihihi
wao~! tawau bloggers...looks and sounds kool, hehe. and oh, nice pictures! btw, you were tagged. check out my august 9 entry, yea?
nak amplanggggg!!!!uuuwwaaaaaaaaaa!!!
To Mak Su
Sama-sama... hehehe... yeapkalau ada gathering malaysian bloggers lagi best kan...
To Nonoi
ooo takper takper... biasala tu ... line problem... anyway... thanks for joining Tawau Bloggers community...
To Hannah J Potter
ya ya.. very cool rite.. hehehe.. oohh.. tagged?! Ok... i'll do it..
To Tirai Hidup
Oleh kerana janji 10% tu.. nanti saya kirim k..
aku belum pernah join mana-mana komuniti bloggers. forum bloggers aku join la
takleh masuk nieh...leh masuk seremban bloggers jek..hihi...
To aeropama
Cari la mana mana komuniti.. kalau takda.. pakat ngan kengkawan tubuh satu... best woo... nanti kita ble buat gathering...
To Cheryna
hehehe... ada ker seremban bloggers?? :)
Selamat menyertai Tawau Bloggers, semoga makin kuatlah kita, meskipun komuniti kita kecil bilangannya.
walawehhhh .. ramai gile tawau bloggers !!
waaa..cun2 plak bloggers tawau...
To Maya
ya ya... thank you... nanti kuat tu...
To Lily.lulu
Yang ramai tu Sabahan Bloggers...
To Jard The Great
hahhaa... cun sangat... hahaha
Kh my gosh!! En Adry..your picture yg im the middle tu kan..that girl IN BLUE DRESS &next to her IN WHITE BLOUSE is MY COUSINS..oh my gosh...so kecik ni dunia..
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